If you are leasing a property in the San Diego area, you should be aware of these new laws coming into play for 2017. As a renter, just because you don't own a property doesn't mean you don't have any rights. These are laws that are meant to protect you as a tenant and as such you should know what your rights are so that you can make your living experience as pleasant as possible. With that in mind, here are 3 new laws to be aware of in 2017. We hope you find this helpful.
New Law Regarding Bed Bugs
Yeah, that's right. Bed bugs. They might be from a cute children's rhyme but in real life they are a scourge upon the earth, parasitic insects with a taste for human blood. Freaky right? Well, fortunately there is a new law meant to protect San Diego renters from bed bugs. This bill, effective July 1, 2017, requires a landlord to notify tenant of finding within in 2 days of a pest control inspection. Here's how Tenant's Legal Center explains this bill:
Provides tenant protections regarding bed bugs. The bill requires a landlord to provide a prospective tenant, on and after July 1, 2017, and to all other tenants by January 1, 2018, information about bed bugs, as specified. The bill requires that the landlord provide notice to the tenants of those units inspected by the pest control operator of the pest control operator’s findings within 2 business days, as specified. The bill prohibits a landlord from showing, renting, or leasing a vacant dwelling unit that the landlord knows has a bed bug infestation, as specified.
This bill will protect you from being shown a house that has bed bugs. You can (literally) sleep well at night, knowing that you won't have to worry about a bed bug infestation.
New Law Regarding Unlawful Detainers
If you have ever been served with an unlawful detainer which has made it difficult for you to be approved for a rental property, this new law will protect in certain circumstances from this information being able to be viewed on your court records. This bill will make it possible for an unlawful detainer case to be masked in the event that the tenant prevailed. This new law is not meant to be used as an abuse to the system but as a protection for tenants who have been unfairly charged. If you have had problems with this in the past, this new law will be good news for you.
New Law for Tenants in Condos Regarding Pesticides
Here is what this new law states:
It is the intent of this bill, therefore, that when pesticides are about to be applied to the separate interests or to the common areas of a common interest development either by the homeowner association or by one of its agents rather than by a licensed pest control operator, that the owners and, if applicable, tenants of the separate interests and the owners and, if applicable, tenants of adjacent separate units that could reasonably be impacted by the pesticide be provided with substantially the same written notification that they would have received under existing law had the pesticides been applied by a licensed pest control operator.
This law is meant to protect tenants in the event of pesticide being applied by a landlord or authorized agent without a licensed pest control operator. This law requires the tenant be notified beforehand that the treatment with pesticides will be taking place. No one wants to deal with the health concerns of pesticides and with this new law you will be protected.
It is important to always know what your rights are as a renter to be sure they are not being violated. HomeTeam Property Management cares about your rights and will work to make sure your renting experience is the best it can possibly be. Please, contact us if you have any questions about renting a property.